Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Paul Cameron Lies (Yet Again)

Surprise, surprise, Cameron is lying again about the "ill health effects" of homosexuality -- this time claiming that gay marriage reduces the average lifespan by 24 years.
As most sane people know, this is the guy whose lies about the average lifespan of gay people (and other assorted lies) being around 40 are still repeated day in and out by naive pastors across America. This is the same liar who fabricated (out of whole cloth) a story about a little boy being mutilated by homosexual activity in Nebraska. Nothing like a little fear to move the self-named sheep in the political direction you want them to go in. Too bad gay marriage can't be the scapegoat for the already-observed decline of marriage in America amongst the RR. They'll just blame da' debbil, as usual.

Fool me once, shame on you;
Fool me twice, and, uh...
Fool me the 100th time...and don't you realize that I'm a f@%#ing idiot?

(HT: Ed Brayton)
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