Wednesday, April 11, 2007

MO House Passes Symbolic Bill

The bill, HJR19 -- dubbed a "pointless prayer resolution" by Ed, and motivated by low GOP morale and approval, according to Rep. John Burnett, D-Kansas City -- has passed the MO House and is now in the MO Senate.

It reads:

COMMITTEE OF ORIGIN: Special Committee on General Laws

Upon voter approval, this proposed constitutional amendment
guarantees a citizen's First Amendment right to pray and worship
in all public areas including schools as long as the activities
are voluntary and subject to the same rules and regulations that
apply to all other types of speech.

The amendment also reaffirms a citizen's right to choose any
religion or no religion at all by prohibiting both the
establishment of an official state religion and any state
coercion or endorsement of religion through practices as
composing official state prayers.

Public schools receiving state funds are required to display the
text of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United
States in a conspicuous and legible manner.

FISCAL NOTE: No impact on state funds in FY 2008, FY 2009, and
FY 2010.
Once again, this issue is all about what private citizens versus the government can do. This is indeed a stupid and pointless bill, because people can already pray however and wherever they like in a voluntary and non-government-coerced fashion. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. Period. Problem is, the sorts of people who are incited and "riled up" by bills like this are too dumb to know any better, but the politicians do (and that's why they use it). Demagoguery at its finest.

(HT: RC)
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