Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Stem Cell Veto Promised Again

From CNN:
Several of Bush's Republican allies in Congress, including Utah's Orrin Hatch, have joined the Democratic leadership on the issue. Though a longtime abortion opponent, Hatch told reporters: "A pro-life agenda demands that we care for the living -- not just the unborn."
Hatch said his views were influenced by the family of a 2-year-old boy with a family history of severe diabetes that had claimed his grandfather's life at age 47.

"For the life of me, I can't understand how we can discard 7,000 to 20,000 in vitro fertilized eggs a year as hospital waste and not utilize them to help little boys like this with virulent diabetes," he said.

The sycophantic morons who oppose funding the use of frozen embryos under the label "pro-life" should have bestowed upon themselves the more accurate moniker -- "pro-lump over pro-child". They pick an unfeeling, uncaring, unloved clump of cells over a human being who feels the pain of their disease, and suffers with a loving family. This pisses me off so badly I want to curse like a sailor -- these people are morally bankrupt: most say "I"m pro-life," but don't add that they're also pro-war and pro-death penalty (and pro-Alzheimer's, pro-ALS, pro-diabetes...).

Not only do King George and his religious right minions have the blood of an unjust war on their hands, he has the blood of the suffering millions whose cure he refuses to fund too. 2008 couldn't come soon enough. God I wish they'd impeach this bastard.
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