Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dobson Straddles Line of Legality

In the WingNutDaily today, a paper well-known for its integrity and accuracy in reporting, they give air to Dobson's flagrant disregard for the law surrounding non-profit organizations and their abilities to endorse candidates. This year, he's clearly endorsed Newt, while advocating against either Giuliani or McCain. He's done this before, so it's really no surprise. These organizations receive literally hundreds of millions of $ in tax-free donations, and they are able to use it to promote their version of Christianism and influence politics in a blatantly unconstitutional fashion. These frauds should have their tax exemptions pulled immediately.

Luckily, I think their power is on the wane insofar as the public at large's support of them (Barry Lynn cited 17% of people identifying themselves with the Religious Right, but MSNBC seems to indicate it at 16%, either way, this is approximately equal to the number of nonreligious Americans at 14%). Unfortunately, they still retain far too much influence in areas they have absolutely no business influencing: foreign policy on Iran and war-related executive policy.
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