Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Spinning the Shutdown of Military Blogs

I pointed out a few days ago the stark contrast between Bush's endorsement of "the good news" getting out on Iraq from outlets other than the MSM, and the actual policy of shutting down some of those outlets; now it gets better:

During yesterday morning's Fox & Friends (5/7/07), the hosts invited Griff Jenkins of Fox News Talk Radio, to discuss new restrictions placed on military blogs as of April 19th. Both Jenkins and the hosts attempted to spin the story, and outright lied about how the restrictions would hinder military blogging.

Last weekend was the annual Military Blogger conference, held in Virginia. Jenkins attended the event, and both he and the hosts of Fox & Friends made a huge deal out of the "mystery" guest that spoke at the conference, explicitly explaining that this guest was completely in favor of military blogging.

The "mystery guest" turned out to be George Bush, and Jenkins aired a clip of Bush's speech:

"America's military bloggers are also an important voice for the cause of freedom. You understand that defeating the terrorists requires us to defeat their ideology of hatred and death. With a more powerful vision, a vision of human liberty."

The huge deal was made to set up the rest of the story, attempting to paint the picture for viewers that despite the restrictions on blogs about to be discussed, Bush supports these blogs! He has nothing to do with these restrictions, despite being Commander-in-Chief.

I love FauxNews.
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