Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yet More Experts Declare Surge and US Policy in Iraq a Failure

70,000 Iraqi casualties (documented, so a very conservative estimate) and almost 3,500 American soldiers died in order to prove to us that our Administration completely failed in its efforts to make us safer, and we now have to figure out a way to fix the mistakes they made.

"Iraq faces the distinct possibility of collapse and fragmentation, UK foreign policy think tank Chatham House says."

In the report Accepting Realities in Iraq, experts argue:
Dr Stansfield argues that with the myriad conflicts in Iraq following societal, religious and political divides and often involving state actors, the multinational forces are finding it exceptionally difficult to promote security normalization. The recent US 'surge' in Baghdad looks likely to have simply pushed insurgent activity to neighboring cities and cannot deliver the required political accommodation. A political solution will require Sunni Arab representatives’ participation in government, the recognition of Moqtada al-Sadr as a legitimate political partner, and a positive response to Kurdish concerns. Further, it would be a mistake to believe that the political forces in Iraq are weak and can be reorganized by the US or the international community, there must be ‘buy-in’ from the key Iraqi political actors.
It's time for Bush the "commander guy" to listen to the bipartisan Baker-Hamilton report, commanders in Iraq like Major General John Batiste and Major General Paul Eaton, and non-partisan foreign policy experts like Chatham House. It's also time to impeach Bush and Cheney, but unfortunately, none of these is likely to happen.
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