Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What a Strange Universe We Inhabit

[Update: a co-alumnus of VT just alerted me to the fact that global E is not always conserved in GR; I need to quit over-simplifying things out of indolence and ignorance. He also opined both of the papers as crack science. He is probably right.]

First, head over to New Scientist and get a load of this: 70 great minds in science forecasting the next big thing in their area of expertise. [HT: Cosmic Variance]

Second, a caution: what follows are the musings of a scientist speaking outside of his area of expertise. You've been warned.
Third, apropos my title: in volume 12, issue 1 of New Astonomy, a very interesting article by Greg Bayer appears on pp. 47-51. The title of this article is, innocently enough, "Nonconservation of energy by the vacuum". It only addresses the question of whether or not black holes are capable of generating energy via gravitational repulsion, but it challenges the most basic assumption of science -- that energy and matter are conserved entities; something doesn't come from nothing. Most scientists who have been interviewed by have dismissed it, but no one has yet weighed in with a definitive reason why the paper is flawed [aside from the obvious issue of breaking a fundamental assumption].
With­in black holes or si­m­i­lar ob­jects, he ar­gues, ex­treme con­di­tions may in­ject “in­sta­bil­i­ty” in­to the vac­u­um, con­vert­ing parts of it in­to non-vac­u­um, or mat­ter. “Mat­ter cre­a­tion can be said to arise from some new par­ti­cle in­ter­ac­tion which vi­o­lates en­er­gy con­ser­va­tion,” he wrote in an email.

Ein­stein de­ter­mined that an ob­jec­t’s grav­i­ty de­pends not just on its mass, as was known be­fore, but its pres­sure. If an ob­ject has enough neg­a­tive pres­sure, its grav­i­ty can al­so be­come neg­a­tive, and hence re­pul­sive rath­er than at­trac­tive.

Bay­er ar­gued that mat­ter cre­a­tion is as­so­ci­at­ed with re­pul­sive grav­i­ty be­cause it’s al­so linked to neg­a­tive pres­sure. “The flow of en­er­gy in­to the Uni­verse can be de­scribed as be­ing caused by an ex­ter­nal pres­sure from the vac­u­um,” he wrote in an email. “Viewed from in­side the Uni­verse, the pos­i­tive ex­ter­nal pres­sure looks like a neg­a­tive in­ter­nal pres­sure.” (link)
And, most importantly, to establish this as more than just armchair ramblings:
Bay­er said his the­o­ry of en­er­gy non-conservation could be tested us­ing par­ti­cle ac­cel­er­a­tors, which bash sub­a­tom­ic par­ti­cles to­ge­ther to help see what they’re made of. Nor­mal­ly, conserva­tion of en­er­gy is used to cal­cu­late prop­er­ties of the par­ti­cles fly­ing out of the bang-up. But the law is as­sumed, rath­er than prov­en, in these ex­per­i­ments, Bay­er ar­gued. “A se­ri­ous test of en­er­gy conserva­tion in high-en­er­gy col­li­sions will re­quire care­ful anal­y­sis of ma­ny com­plex multi-par­ti­cle events,” he wrote in his paper. This would be hard, he ad­ded, but it can be done. (link)
Following this issue, we find in v.12 i.2, pp.146-160, an article that may or may not tie in to this question. Abhas Mitra writes in the abstract,
Eddington was the first physicist to introduce special relativity into the problem and correctly insist that, actually, total energy stored in a star is not the mere Newtonian energy but the total mass energy (E = Mc2)...This concept has a fundamental importance though we know now that Sun in its present form cannot survive for more than 10 billion years. We extend this concept by introducing general relativity and show that the minimum value of depletion of total mass–energy is tE = ∞ not only for Sun but for and sufficiently massive or dense object. We propose that this time scale be known in the name of “Einstein–Eddington”. We also point out that, recently, it has been shown that as massive stars undergo continued collapse to become a Black Hole, first they become extremely relativistic radiation pressure supported stars. And the life time of such relativistic radiation pressure supported compact stars is indeed dictated by this Einstein–Eddington time scale whose concept is formally developed here. Since this observed time scale of this radiation pressure supported quasistatic state turns out to be infinite, [tE = ∞] such objects are called eternally collapsing objects (ECO). Further since ECOs are expected to have strong intrinsic magnetic field, they are also known as “Magnetospheric ECO” or MECO.
I will be interested to read the first detailed response to Bayer's article, and to see whether or not the second article ties into it, both in the blogosphere (at sites like Sean's) and in the journals. There has always been something about black holes that made scientists believe they may reveal key discoveries about the origins of our own universe. Sean thinks we'll know much more very soon (link).
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