GOD REST YE, UNITARIANSPerhaps a little too political for my taste, and not atheological enough. Maybe I should write some...??
by Christopher Raible
God rest ye, Unitarians, let nothing you dismay;
Remember there's no evidence
There was a Christmas Day;
When Christ was born is just not known,
No matter what they say,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact.
Our current Christmas customs come
From Persia and from Greece,
From solstice celebrations of the ancient Middle East.
This whole darn Christmas spiel is just
Another pagan feast,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact.
There was no star of Bethlehem,
There was no angels' song;
There couldn't have been wise men
For the trip would take too long.
The stories in the Bible are historically wrong,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact.
SOY TO THE WORLD (Joy to the World)
by Ronald Crowe
Soy to the world, legume is come:
Let earth receive her bean.
Let every gut prepare it room
Let stomach and colon sing,
Let stomach and colon sing,
Let stomach and stomach and colon sing.
Soy to the earth, the tofu reigns
Let men, their ploughs employ;
while sun and rain
grow beans on hill and plain
our bowels sound their joy,
our bowels sound their joy,
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
ANT HILLS I HAVE SEEN QUITE HIGH (Angels We Have Heard on High)
by Ronald Crowe
Ant hills I have seen quite high
scattered over my own front yard.
when they bite me I do cry:
Nature, why are you so hard?
Glo--o-o-o-o-o, o-o-o-o-o, Glo-o-o-o-oria,
Please bring me the Benedryl!
WRECK THE HALLS (Deck the Halls)
by Ronald Crowe
Wreck the halls, the walls, and ceilings
Crashing sounds are so appealing
Dust clouds rise as bricks go flying
What joy to watch old buildings dying
Wrecking balls are fun by golly:
Smashing things makes us feel jolly:
Don we now safety apparel:
Bring TNT in the old wheel barrow
by Ronald Crowe
Great lies we have heard on high
surely of a right-wing strain.
And the sheep baa in reply
happy to be shorn again.
Screwed ew-ew-ew-ew ewed, ew-ew-ew-ew ewed,
ew-ew-ew-ewed again, by right wingus Georgy-O.
Shepherd, why this jubilee,
Why these songs of happy cheer,
when our treasury is bare
and our outlook is quite drear?
Screwed ew-ew-ew-ew--ewed, ew-ew-ew-ew--ewed,
ew-ew-ew-ewed again, by right wingus Georgy-O.
by Ronald Crowe
We three kings of Orient are,
loaded with oil we traverse afar--
prices soaring, Yankees boiling
oh how we sympathize.
Oh--Oh, western blunder western blight,
Oil's the star of eastern night,
U.S. use is still increasing--
prices rise quite out of sight.
Oil was found on Bethlehem's plain,
in Saudi, Iraq, Iran and Bahrain.
King forever, ceasing never over us all to reign. .....
Oh--Oh, western blunder western blight,
Oil's the star of the Eastern night,
U.S. use is still increasing;
prices rise quite out of sight
On oil we're hooked--its bitter perfume
Casts o'er our lives a gathering gloom:
Paying, sighing, spending, crying--
upwards gas prices zoom.
Oh--Oh, western blunder western blight,
Oil's the star of the Eastern night,
U.S. use is still increasing;
prices rise quite out of sight
Technorati tags: God, Religion, Politics