Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thoughts on the "N-Word"

Back in May, CNN had a special debate on "The N-Word", contrasting the views of Prof. Michael Dyson against Dr. Bill Cosby, which I weighed in on. Given the recent antics by Kramer, I thought it germane to link to them.

My thoughts were basically reiterated by Earl Hutchinson at the HuffPo -- it is imperative that the black community stop using the N-word in order to see the extinction of this racial epithet:
The obsessive use of and the tortured defense of the word by so many blacks gave Richards the license to use the word without any thought that there'd be any blow back for doing it. He was terribly wrong and got publicly called out for it. The blacks that use and defend that word should be called out too. Who's willing to do that?
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