No one has ever produced a species by mechanisms of natural selectionLie. And a bold one.
The "greatest" evidence put forward since Darwin has been able to go no further than the "industrial melanism" of the moths in England.1) This is a complete distortion of the peppered moths' value as evidence of evolution
2) citing this particular evidence as being the "greatest" for speciation is a strawman, many better ones exist
"Natural selection can do nothing until favourable variations chance to occur".8 This is why neo-Darwinism has had to elevate mutations next to natural selection as the "cause of beneficial changes". However as we shall see, mutations can only be "the cause for harmful changes".Yet another canard of creationism.
I don't have the stomach to dissect the rest of this dreck, but you can feel free to do so on your own, here's the list where you will find all of his points refuted. It's been done a million times, to a million different people repeating the same silliness.
I don't have much hope for non-skeptics who attend such events, as it basically means they're looking for confirmation of something they already believe, and not education on something they're ignorant of. It's sad that people who come to a university to broaden their horizons would seek to fill their heads with nonsense in order to prevent their religious notions from being challenged.
PS: See more on Harun Yahya here, here and see this and this long article in Science about him.
Technorati tags: Intelligent Design, Evolution, Creationism