Thursday, February 8, 2007

Dixie County, Now You're F#&%*d!

There's an old song I like, especially the version by Randy Travis:

"I told you so..."

Dixie County's dumbass decision to plant their religious monument at the courthouse is now officially headed to court. The names of the plaintiffs are being withheld to protect them, and I agree with that decision; those dumbass rednecks were ready to assault me that night.

I've heard over and over the assurances from the county's residents that no one in the county objects to it. Bullshit. People were just afraid to be harassed or beaten in retaliation (you know, because of God's abounding grace). Thankfully, a few plaintiffs have the courage to see this illegal action challenged.

Although the DC Commissioners are ecstatic about having free legal representation, what those stupid people don't apparently realize is that they'll have to pay the plaintiff's rather hefty legal fees once they lose this case. I'd love to see what percentage of the county budget $100K would be. If this goes way up to a state supreme court, that number could go into the millions.

Eventually, theocrats will be bled dry from such efforts, hopefully, and stop pulling this old trick.

For those who don't know, I appeared on FoxNews regarding this issue back on Nov. 29. CLICK HERE to watch and read some preliminary comments, and HERE for my detailed commentary on the legal and political issues.

Gainesville Sun, AP, St. Petersburg Times, my media roundup
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