It's easier to spend time hooking suckers to buy your new book than to work on legislation (i.e., Farm Bill, Immigration).
Why does this "War on Christmas" shit drag on? (here, here, here...)
As Krugman memorably put it, the modern GOP is an alliance between the plutocrats and the preachers. You can't get middle and lower-class Americans to vote for plutocrats openly, so you make BS like this the underlying current that drives them. This is of course the famous "What's the matter with Kansas?" thesis. As the GOP continues its rightward slide, I can't help but think that as older white people die off so will the party they support. The GOP will become a truly regional party, largely rooted in Southern Christianity.
PS: I'm a not-so-angry atheist without an attorney. Thus I won't be "telling" Palin that Christ is no longer a part of Christmas. Lolz