One of the neat things you can do is go to 270towin and play with the states to see various outcomes for the election. Taking for granted a win in all the 2004 Kerry states, it appears that Obama has also solidly locked in Iowa and New Mexico, bringing him to 264 EV. Amazingly, all Obama has to do is win one of the remaining tossup states: FL, OH, VA, NC, IN, CO, NV, or MO. McCain has to sweep every one of these swing states to win...and that's why sites that run probabilities like fivethirtyeight have Obama winning with 9:1 odds given current polling data.
Basically, my predicted map is shown below, in which Obama wins OH but loses FL, wins VA but loses NC, wins CO but loses NV, wins 1 of the 5 NE districts (Omaha) but loses both MO and IN. This would give Obama 307 EV to McCain's 231. I also predict Obama to win around 51% of the popular vote and I think McCain will get around 48.5%, with third-party candidates drawing less than expected due to the financial crisis:

And here's a countdown clock for the election: