Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Polls show a very good chance to win for Obama

Things are looking good in Obamaland. He's predicted to win with good odds.  Of course that means McCain will grow more and more desperate with each passing day trying to sling mud and hope that some of it sticks.  One wonders if McCain's "honor" of which he's written often (and his ghost writer Mark Salter) over the years will give him any sense of shame down the road.

fivethirtyeight.com's current analysis has him at 345 and pollster.com has him at 320.

As a supporter who has seen a lot since January 2007, it is amazing and I never knew if we'd ever get here. Like many Dems, there's a nervous gnawing sense that something will go wrong. But I just think, despite the best efforts of Faux Noise and the right wing, Obama will win absent a cataclysmic new revelation or gaffe during a debate. The problem for McCain is that the voters are, by now, almost all cemented in their choices with very few undecideds left and very few "swayable" decideds.

I'm showing two maps below:

fivethirtyeight's map:

And Pollster's map, which currently (10/7) gives Obama 320 with 55 tossup:

...my fingers remain crossed...