Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ripping John McCain a new one

Frank Rich is good today. He basically rips McCain a new one over the spin and lies and rashness known as Sarah Palin.

Jon Stewart was also good:

(or see this version)

Don't let them lie to you that she has more overall experience than Obama. He was in the Illinois legislature for 8 years and has been in the US Senate for almost 4 years. He went to Harvard Law and was the first black president of the prestigious (though under-read) Harvard Law Review.

From an interview on AC360:
“My understanding is that Gov. Palin’s town, Wassilla, has I think 50 employees. We've got 2500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe 12 million dollars a year – we have a budget of about three times that just for the month,” Obama responded.
Actually, according to ADN, Wasilla's budget was only $6M / yr. The point of this being that her "executive experience" as mayor doesn't really even compare to the decisions and strategy Obama has had to form as a result of running the campaign.

She's been governor for 20 months of a state with 950,000 caribou and 670,000 people. She was a mayor for six years of a town of 5,000. She went to five different schools before finally graduating with a Journalism BA after six years from the U of Idaho.

[UPDATE: Check out the 63-page vetting report (PDF, 275KB) that was compiled on Palin when she ran for Governor of Alaska in November 2006.]

We report, you decide. (retch)