Thursday, September 4, 2008

Obama on unilateral action in Pakistan

Am I the only one who remembers when Obama said that if high value targets in Pakistan could not be acted on by the Pakistani forces, that he'd act with or without Pakistan's permission:
"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will," Mr Obama said.
Okay, and after that he got hammered by others, including McCain, for being wrong about this? Yet, everyone in the crowd cheered when McCain famously claimed he'd chase Osama bin Laden to the "gates of hell". I guess as long as the gates of hell aren't inside Pakistan...

Last Thursday, Obama mentioned that McCain "wouldn't even follow OBL to the cave where he lives" in reference to this logical disparity. The US has conducted aerial assaults inside Pakistan for months, and as of reports yesterday, the US has now invaded there with ground forces to carry out a raid. So, it's now time for McCain to make clear his position: would he agree with Obama on this raid, or would he oppose his own President's call?

This has been the case on many things: Obama was right about getting out of Iraq and reinforcing our troops in Afghanistan, about talking with Iran without requiring that they stop what they're doing first (precondition), about talking with North Korea, and about basically every other foreign policy decision that McCain has gotten wrong. And that's why I'm voting for Obama-Biden this November.

Palin lied about Obama's record last night: he has passed many bills as a state and federal legislator, including many while working with Republicans. All personal and family issues aside, the arguments in favor of Palin have all turned out to be based on false premises. She is not a reformer. She is in the pocket of Big Oil. She is a creationist who is ultra-right (well to the right of McCain) on many environmental issues, including ANWR and protecting polar bears. She opposes abortion rights for women who have been raped or are the victims of incest. She has zero national security or foreign policy experience, and would be one sick old man's heartbeat away from the Presidency...on this line of reasoning, even Expelled star Ben Stein thinks very little of Palin...not that any of us think enough of him to care what he thinks...