Saturday, December 1, 2007

Some quick politics notes

A round-up:
  • The DADT policy came under pretty heavy fire as Retired Brig. Gen. Keith H. Kerr admitted he was gay and asked the GOP candidates during the debate why they didn't trust military servicemen and women enough to serve alongside gays & lesbians; now, a group of high-ranking officers is advising the GOP candidates to adopt a more humane and progressive policy -- i.e., to reject DADT.

  • E&P:
    “Nearly two-thirds of Americans do not trust press coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign, according to a new Harvard University survey, which also revealed four out of five people believe coverage focuses too much on the trivial — and more than 60% believe coverage is politically biased.”
    You don't say?! You mean, stories on $400 haircuts aren't substantive coverage of issues?

  • Last Tuesday, I mentioned something on the debate regarding Barack's lack of universal mandated coverage:'s someone defending his mandates for health care coverage...and someone criticizing them.
    ...on Friday, Krugman went after Barack pretty hard.

  • See a cartoon here in the WaPo that castigates the Washington Post's own ludicrous article on rumors of Barack being a Muslim.

  • Giuliani isn't just involved in a scandal over using tax dollars to finance his extramarital affair; he's also got a brewing scandal involving his ties to terrorists. I really think his campaign is done, kaput...or else people are ignoring the mounds of dirt on this guy. See TCR's summary of Giuliani's worst week ever.

  • Also, on the heels of the just-passed energy bill, check out a progressive economic plan that highlights the Dems strengths in green energy and the new manufacturing jobs it will create.

  • A much better answer to the GOP's race divide question (not as well known towards Swedes).
More to come.