Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Just one thing

I know I've been writing a lot more on politics lately than I used to. In part, this is because I got burnt out on the boilerplate atheist issues. In part, it's because I've been imparted with passion to see the GOP lose every possible seat in both Houses and the Executive by the seemingly-endless trail of corruption and evil policies.

I do have a motive in writing, though, about stories like this one: it seems that very few people really understand what is going on behind the scenes in Congress, and the low approval rating is likely a direct result of GOP obstructionism. They've set the historic record for the number of procedural blocks of legislation and in half the time usually required to do so.

It's just unbelievable. Stories like these don't get aired out by the mainstream media, so I feel an impetus to share them once I read them. And I just hope that some of the readers that check in here from time to time will find them 'newsworthy' enough to share with family & friends when the occasion arises.