Sunday, April 3, 2011

Georgia on my mind

Jay Bookman updates us on the fate of a de facto state income "flat tax" proposed by Republicans. As all thinking people already know, the "flat tax" is horribly regressive. It always, always means a raise in taxes for the vast majority of us, while lowering them significantly for the wealthy. Here's a chart put together by the Fiscal Research Center at GSU:

Now before you go and feel sorry for the wealthy, thinking they deserve a 20% break on their taxes, here's a chart showing the federal marginal tax rates for the top earners:

So basically rich people are already paying a significantly lower federal income tax rate than any time since the Great Depression. There is a strong inverse relationship between their tax rates and income inequality. The only person who should want a "flat tax" -- aka the Orwellian "fair tax" -- are those people making a hell of a lot more than 95% of us, who want even more by taking it from us.