Sunday, July 12, 2009

Brüno and atheism project

I haven't been able yet to see Brüno, but plan to soon. And Public Enemies.

A Project: I'm going to do a video collage of horrific images of suffering and disease, especially in children, and overlay audio of my own rendition of a classic hymn, "The Love of God" (here's Mercy Me's version from their "Spoken For" album in 2002). I'll post my video to YouTube with the title, "Why I'm an Atheist," or something like that. I think it may go viral. I hope so. It may take some time, but I'd like to finish it before September. And from now own whenever a Christian asks me a question about atheism I'll just give them a link to it.

*UPDATE (7/16): I think this video is a great idea but it doesn't hit you emotionally the way I want mine to.