Thursday, July 31, 2008

Support HR 5843 to federally decriminalize pot

Barney Frank has introduced, with 7 co-sponsors, a bill in the House to reform marijuana criminalization. Basically, the bill would decriminalize possession of under 100 grams, or a not-for-profit transfer of up to one ounce of medical marijuana. Note that this is only a federal law, but it is a major step in the right direction.

This is a real chance to save billions of dollars of wasted government money prosecuting teenagers and college kids, as well as relieving the state of thousands of people imprisoned on probation violations or similar charges. Every day, child molesters and murderers are paroled due to lack of space, in order to make room for Jane and John Doe potheads...

Although Obama supports medical marijuana, he appears to have backed off earlier promises to work to decriminalize marijuana, probably because of the flak he took from admitting to have experimented in high school during the primary.

McCain still wants those damned kids off his lawn smoking that reefer.

HR 5843