Monday, July 21, 2008

On the screwed up state of our legal system: part 2 - the war on sex

The Bush Administration has its own record of pulling agents away from terrorist task forces in order to go after porn. Not child porn, mind you, but legal, consentual adult porn. My take on porn is that it serves as a release and harmless escape for 99.9% of adults. Speaking of release, Time has an article from a few days ago about the pseudo-incestuous "Purity Ball" concept, beloved by the RR. It's sexist and creepy; the former as girls are targeted over boys and the latter as fathers pretend a daughter's vagina is theirs to take care of. Not that I haven't already put in $0.02 on that...

The sort of attitude that groups like the FRC foster is one of repression, which brings me to another point -- the correlation between homophobia in juveniles and homosexual behavior as adults.

A favorite talking point of the religious right is that the sexual saturation of our culture is dangerous, in that it leads to higher teen pregnancies, STDs, rape, pedophilia...&c. Facts be damned! John Stossel, not my favorite media character, absolutely pwns this idiot from the FRC, Peter Sprigg, about the facts surrounding rape, teen pregnancies and STDs. It occurs about 5 minutes into the video, and the guy is obviously fumbling and bumbling.

What I would like to know is if these guys are aware that the highest occurences of the things they warn against are right here in the Bible Belt, as I have meticulously documented. If anything, religiosity seems to correlate to deviant sexual behavior. Bet you won't hear that from them...although porn and religion have a lot in common!

Which is not to say there aren't problems that need resolving in our society regarding sex, especially the fact that the FBI estimates over 100,000 minors are involved in the US sex market. Just a few weeks ago, a child sex raid took down 300 scumbags and rescued 21 kids. It's very important that the resources available to stem the flow of underage prostitution, especially rescues, are advertised and heavily promoted.