Thursday, February 7, 2008

Politics notes

A few politics notes:

Obama leads in pledged delegates, those who have to vote with the people. He lags with superdelegates, those who are apparently better than other Americans and get to decide close races for us:
It looks like Obama, by the narrowest of margins, won last night’s delegate hunt. By our estimates, he picked up 840 to 849 delegates versus 829-838 for Clinton; the Obama camp projects winning by nine delegates (845-836). He also won more states (13 to Clinton’s eight; New Mexico is still outstanding), although she won the most populous ones (California and New York). And Obama’s argument that he might be the most electable Democrat in a general election was bolstered by the fact that he won nine red states versus four for Clinton. Yet with Clinton’s overall superdelegate lead (259-170, based on the lists they've released to us), and when you toss in the 63-48 lead Obama had among pledged delegates going into Super Tuesday, it appears Clinton has about 70 more overall delegates than Obama does (1140-1150 for Clinton versus 1070 to 1080 for Obama). It’s that close, folks...
See this and this for more details. Yeah, it pisses off John Aravosis too.

Barack has raised $6.7M since the polls closed on Tuesday. I did my part ($25), for the third time. On the other hand, Hillary and Bill are tapping into their personal fortune (how did they make $30M???).

Obama is pointing out the "let's return to the '90s" stuff isn't so smart.

The huge gap between GOP and Dem primary voting is an encouraging sign for November:
Obama/Clinton voters: 14,460,149
McCain/Romney/Huckabee voters: 8,367,694
Or, 73% more Democratic voters than Republican voters...
Some economics logic from Bill Gross at PIMCO for moving away from supply-side insanity that supports making the Bush tax cuts permanent (i.e., John McCain's plans) and towards demand-side, liberal economic policies. Looks like the market is catching on to the ill prospects of further coal-powered plants. Bernanke is tanking among fellow economists.

Faux News threatens Barack and Hillary for avoiding the partisan network. "Fair and balanced"? You decide.

Poor Dobson & RR. Watch 'em squirm with schadenfreude.