From Jessica Valenti's new Full Frontal Feminism (p.6):

Sound familiar? People consistently ask why freethought/atheist groups exist, and what motivates people to join them (FAQ #4, 6). Honestly, this is a very valid question, and some people disagree that there is an equally valid answer.
And then she says (p.7):

Admittedly, this is slightly out-of-context. She's talking about the stuff women are taught regarding feminism being untrue, not about gods.
But there are many parallels, if you think about it. Feminists and atheists are generally maligned and stereotyped as angry, snobbish, and politically dangerous to people's liberties. These falsehoods are useful rhetorical tools for demagogues like Religious Right leaders.
So perhaps freethougtht groups ought to carefully monitor just how modern feminists get people involved and enthused about their causes. We could learn something from them...
food for thought.
Technorati tags: Atheism, Philosophy