Thursday, July 17, 2008

Summer reading

After seeing John McSame brag about being "5th from the bottom" of his Naval Academy class...of 899 individuals...I got to thinking about thinking. I thought geek was chic, even for chicks, but apparently not for GOP presidential material.

Thinking of that brings me to thinking of reading for pleasure, which has been tied directly to student performance, and employment economics, more strongly than almost any other measure. This summer, I've been able to read a fair amount, finishing the last two installments of King's Dark Tower series, Frank Herbert's Dune and Douglas Preston's Blasphemy. I spent more time than I'd intended on my writing on morality, which was important to me. For atheists or geeky-science types, I really recommend reading Blasphemy, whose plot features a particle collider far outmatching the LHC at CERN and strong religious themes throughout. It has a great twist at the end. I was able to read it in just a few hours; it's an easy read with a good plot. Check it out.