Thursday, October 28, 2010

We're number one!

The National Academy released a new review of its 2005 recommendations (here) for how the US can maintain or increase its standing in an array of global measures of productivity and success (free PDF here).  As you might imagine, the title of this post is satirical.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Samsung Galaxy Tablet

In comparing the tablet options out there, I think the Galaxy is the winner.  Look at the chart:

It's inaccurate for PCWorld to say that it doesn't have phone functionality because of Skype.  The only drawback I see hardware-wise is lower memory, but since it's running Android 2.2 that isn't an issue.

Having Android OS is almost enough on its own to convince me.  But then it adds a smaller size and weight, cameras, 3G service and bluetooth tethering.  Basically I'll not be buying any tablet anytime soon, but once my G1 contract's hoping for Gingerbread!

Here are Samsung's specs on it:

But I'm still torn because I can only afford so many gadgets, and getting a Google TV box would be great, too...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Income inequality redux

Fantastic resource with lots of graphs and numbers showing just how much our country has been sent down a craphole with the heavily-biased policies of the past twenty years favoring the wealthiest Americans while leaving the other ninety-something percent of us languishing...

PDF version
slideshow version
Slate 10-part series

(redux here)