Friday, April 3, 2009

Explain this to me

A victory today for freedom.

Now, I have a "traditional family": one woman, one man, a biological child by us.

Explain to me how allowing gay people to have the same right to marry whomever they choose as I have "threatens" my family?

The ruling is viewed as a victory for the gay rights movement in Iowa and elsewhere, and a setback for social conservatives who wanted to protect traditional families.
Religious Right troglodytes don't want to "protect" me from the "threat" of gay marriage. They want to enforce their particular interpretation of one ancient religion's view of gay people on everyone else as law. They want our secular country turned into a theocratic state.

Please protect us from them.

Keep in mind how we're told that the media is completely biased the next time you read a newspaper that reports that Religious Right thugs want to "protect" us rather than the truth: that they want to make us into a Christian version of Iran.