Saturday, November 22, 2008

Update: Dixie County Lawsuit media coverage

A few months ago I mentioned that I was going to contact some people with the ACLU and the local Dixie County papers to try to get an update on the status of the case.  I didn't hear anything back, and now I found out from Prof. Friedman's excellent blog that proponents of church-state separation have won a primary challenge:  we have legal standing to sue.  The ACLU found a non-resident of the county who was nonetheless given legal standing because of the nature of this anonymous person's business with the county in buying land there.  Here is the LexisNexis link to ACLU of Florida Inc. v. Dixie County Florida, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 61177 (ND FL, Aug. 8, 2008)

I have updated the list of media related to the whole Dixie County debacle as it has unfolded.

Regarding LTE (letters to the editor) "con" means the person writing is againstthe 10C monument & "pro" means they approve of it:

  1. Gainesville Sun -- 11/28/06
  2. Dixie County Advocate -- 11/30/06
  3. Alligator -- 11/30/06
  4. Alligator -- 12/1/06 (editorial)
  5. FFRF Press Release -- 12/1/06
  6. Gainesville Sun -- 12/02/06
  7. 3 Letters to the Editor at the Sun -- pro, pro, con (12/2/06)
  8. Dixie County Advocate -- 12/7/06
  9. 2 More Letters to the Editor at the Sun -- pro (12/12/06), con (12/17/06)
  10. St. Petersburg Times -- 1/3/07
  11. St. Petersburg Times (LTE) -- con, 1/13/07 (4th letter down; response to 1/3/07 article)
  12. Gainesville Sun -- 2/7/07
  13. ACLU News Release -- 2/7/07
  14. Reuters (Miami) -- 2/7/07
  15. Gainesville Sun -- 2/8/07
  16. St. Petersburg Times -- 2/8/07
  17. Alligator (LTE): -- con, 2/9/07, (see text here)
  18. Dixie County Advocate -- 2/15/07
  19. Orlando Sentinel -- 2/17/07
  20. Gainesville Sun (LTE) -- pro, 2/17/07
  21. Dixie County Advocate (LTE) -- con, 2/24/07
  22. Liberty Counsel -- 3/8/07
  23. CNS News -- 3/12/07
  24. Florida Humanists Association -- 4/9/07, (also here and here)
  25. -- 4/27/07, Austin Cline
  26. Dixie County Advocate -- 9/27/07, Issue 40, Page 18
  27. Dixie County Advocate blog -- 6/11/08, linked to my YouTube video
other media (blogs):

  1. KipEsquire -- 11/28/06
  2. Florida Progressive Coalition -- 4/4/07
  3. John Pieret -- 4/15/07
  4. Prof. Friedman -- 8/14/08
rev 11/22/08