Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cheney on reasons NOT to invade Iraq in 1994

I find this clip both sad and amusing: Dick Cheney explaining on C-Span in April of 1994 why it would've been a mistake to invade Iraq. The reasons?
  1. We would've been alone. Unilateral involvement and occupation is wrong.
  2. What would the Saddam government be replaced with?
  3. Instability of the country -- it would likely be fractured and pieces would fall to Syria and Iran, as well as threaten Turkey in the north. "It's a quagmire..."
  4. Casualties. "How many additional dead Americans is Saddam worth? ... not very many..."
My, how the times have changed. What, was he not a "brutal dictator" back in 1994, but became one by 2003?