Tuesday, November 21, 2006

May the Lord Bless Thee, Harry Reid

Remember, PERA has a few more days of the lame duck session before it is effectively dead in the water. You know those pathetic Religious Right Repubs are pushing things like this hard before their chance expire on Jan 20, 2007. Thank Jesus for Harry Reid:
Senator Seeks to Protect Religious Freedom

Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., is urging his colleagues to allow a vote on the Public Expression of Religion Act (PERA) — a measure the House approved 244-173.

PERA would eliminate the awarding of attorneys' fees to groups that challenge religious displays on public property — many communities give in to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) after just a threat of litigation.

"The ACLU and others use these legal fees as blackmail against a community putting up a Nativity scene or having a Ten Commandments expression," Brownback told Agape Press.

Brownback filed PERA as an amendment to the Veteran's Administration Appropriations bill. But incoming Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., used a procedural tactic to keep it from a vote.

Religious-liberty advocates say there may still be time to pass PERA before the 109th Congress adjourns.

Amanda Banks, federal policy analyst for Focus on the Family Action, said it's important for people to call their senators and urge them to support a vote on PERA.

"This may be the best chance we have to pass another pro-family bill before Congress adjourns," she said. "It's crucial that senators hear from their constituents on this legislation right away."
Religious liberty my ass. This bill is the most blatant anti-1st Amendment piece of trash to be passed through the House in decades. It confers more power to the government, safeguarding the government from being scrutinized and penalized when they break the law and trample on religious liberties.

Want to know just a bit about this cock-knocker Brownback? Well...
when [Pat] Robertson was asked on ABC's "This Week'' who he thought might make a fine Republican nominee in 2008, he began his answer: "There's an outstanding senator from Kansas ...''
Enough said. If Pat Robertson supports this guy for president, all rational people should run like hell the other way.

On a related note, Dobson will be on Larry King Wednesday.
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