Monday, September 25, 2006

"Not Even Lucifer..."

Perhaps you thought this fat bast-, uh, bastion of wisdom, Falwell, had reached his apex...after all, the man once blamed 9/11 on Americans by saying:

"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"

Falwell, pastor of the 22,000-member Thomas Road Baptist Church, viewed the attacks as God's judgment on America for "throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked."

He couldn't slide much further, right? Well, he now claims that the Devil himself couldn't get the kind of political response from the religious right's that Hillary will:
"I certainly hope that Hillary is the candidate," Falwell said, according to the recording. "She has $300 million so far. But I hope she's the candidate. Because nothing will energize my [constituency] like Hillary Clinton."

Cheers and laughter filled the room as Falwell continued: "If Lucifer ran, he wouldn't."

At that moment in the recording, Falwell's voice is drowned out by hoots of approval. But two in attendance, including a Falwell staff member, confirmed that Falwell said that even Lucifer, the fallen angel synonymous with Satan in Christian theology, would not mobilize his followers as much as the New York senator and former first lady would.
I'm not sure whether openly declaring a moderate Democrat to be worse than Satan is on the same level or not. You decide.

On the note of stupid fundamentalists, see these great 28 Religious Right propaganda posters Austin Cline put together. I especially liked this one:

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