Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Poor Annie

Over on Matt's classic blog, Pooflingers Anonymous, commenter Annie writes:
2. dont you want a good life?

being atheist means you will have an empty hole in your life.something is will deny this i know, but thats how it is.

most atheist are killers,homosexuals and they lie. they dont have a moral compass to guide them, they do what they "feel is right".
If I believed as she obviously does, I sure as hell wouldn't even think about doubting God's existence. Preachers are very bright for expelling this kind of falsehood into the open and unfiltered ears of the Annies across America, because rational thinking and the rejection of dogma and religious authority bodes very poorly for their bottom line. Poor sap(s).

Read the comments, it's quite worthwhile.
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