Wednesday, June 20, 2007

For ammo against idiots

To battle misinformation:

I remember a while back when some Christian groups tried to respond to the first Bush veto of stem cells by putting out this atrocious defense of it by saying that, yes, the embryos will die anyway, but that we should adopt as many as possible...then, stop letting women get in vitro fertility treatments. Even Republicans like Orrin Hatch are against Bush on this issue, along with 60% of Americans.

It is only the slimiest scum -- the Religious Right -- to which Bush panders with these vetoes.

Religion really does have utter control of people's two most important possessions for survival: their brains and their genitals.

The creator of 50,000 billion billion stars (more than the number of grains of sand on earth) cares what people do with their pee-pee parts more than curing Parkinson's. What a dick. [applies less to God than Bush]
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