Saturday, June 16, 2007

Another tactic for ID Creationists

Their newest trick? Bullying school libraries into accepting copies of their junk science books. Luskin screams bloody murder [faux discrimination] when librarians refuse to stock the dreck, and contacts school boards to intimidate those librarians (of intellectual integrity) into shelving them.

If they can't get in the valid front door (developing a real science of IDC), they'll try the back (sneaking it into classrooms ala Dover), then get desperate and crawl through the basement window (making sure their pseudoscience is in every school's library). I'd say the next step is to "inform" sympathetic teachers of the books' existence, once stocked, so they can "loosely suggest" to their students they ought to check out "both sides" of the evolution "debate." Lovely.

Sounds a lot like Dover, doesn't it? They don't learn. Keep the crap out of schools.
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