Monday, October 16, 2006

Quote of the Day

Jason T. Christy (some brainless twit at
Questioning the faith and motivation of this administration is wrong. (source)

Kool-aid, anyone? When people stop questioning their leaders, JT, countries begin to spiral downwards rather abruptly. More enlightened people than you have known this for a long time:
The men who create power make an indispensable contribution to the Nation’s greatness, but the men who question power make a contribution just as indispensable, especially when that questioning is disinterested, for they determine whether we use power or power uses us. (JFK)
I'm afraid you're being used, JT.

This twit is responding to David Kuo, I mentioned this last Thursday, just as Keith Olbermann broke the story (thanks, Crooks & Liars!), before he went on CBS News (and elsewhere). I also mentioned last Wednesday the supposed "Great Awakening" of Evangelicals to the smell of pander bears (awakened from their wet theocon dreams)...that one has yet to be well-substantiated, but a small report on the response of Evangelicals to Kuo clues us in on what to further expect. No surprise there -- pass more of the grape flavor, if you please.

PS: Don't miss this -- former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) blasts Dobson et al
The national representatives of the social conservative movement used to be sophisticated and tolerant. Today, they are sophomoric and angry. It's an embarrassing spectacle seeing leaders bullied around by the likes of James Dobson, or watching the Christian Coalition team up with in support of bigger government...

The criteria of choice in just about every behavior you see in Congress today is politics. Where in the hell did this Terri Schiavo thing come from? There's not a conservative, Constitution-loving, separation-of-powers guy alive in the world that could have wanted that bill on the floor. That was pure, blatant pandering to James Dobson. That's all that was. It was silly, stupid, and irresponsible. Nobody serious about the Constitution would do that. But the question was will this energize our Christian conservative base for the next election.
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