Thursday, March 15, 2007

Proud of the NEA

I'm quite proud of the National Evangelical Association for being more than a lap dog of the Religious Right and standing up for human rights and the environment, against the tide of criticism from Dobson and groups like the Family Research Council. I just hope they continue to do so. I don't think this controversy should be thought of as a "family feud," because I don't think the RR has any family -- the unholy alliance of conservative politics with fundamentalist Christianity so far has no bastard spawn (pure fascism) nor friendly cousins in liberal religion (all conscientious liberals reject this movement, regardless of shared religious views).

I've written before about the rift between Evangelicals and the RR, and I hope to see it continue to widen as the former grows in concern for broader issues (how about poverty, peace, and Darfur, just for starters?), and the latter is increasingly marginalized and trivialized by its own stupidity. I hope.

See: NYT, CNN, DefCon
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