Thursday, March 8, 2007

If This is True...

**UPDATE 2** Damn I'm slow. This appeared late last night on Olbermann and early this morning in Salon. But it still deserves a good chuckle. Coulter + gay porn star = CPAC award. Beautiful.

**UPDATE** It is true...from the horse's own mouth. (HT: JoeMyGod)**

Then someone ought to put it into a brighter spotlight: gay porn star as featured speaker at a CPAC conference in which Coulter diatribes on "Edwards the fag." I'd love to see this turn out to be true. The depth and bitterness of the irony in which modern social conservatives find themselves is almost too extreme to be funny. It's more freaky than humorous. It appears this story would be easy enough to long as you're willing to sift through gay porn.
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