Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Letter to the Editor in the Sun

Surprise, surprise, another backwoods hick is angry that she can't use the government to push her religious views onto others. Tough titty.

Let's really separate
February 17. 2007 6:01AM

The ACLU is suing Dixie County over the Ten Commandments being placed at the courthouse. If the ACLU and the federal judges want separation of church and state, I suggest we do this separation all the way.

Since Christians don't have the right to place the Ten Commandments on property their tax dollars paid for, we Christians and our churches should be exempt from all federal, state, county and city laws and from paying any taxes. If our wishes do not count, then we should not be forced to contribute to the cause. We should be allowed to form our own laws and taxation, to be separated from government. The government should not be allowed to use our churches for voting. If separation is the desire then let's do it all the way.

The original laws of this country were founded on the Ten Commandments. If you were to take the original laws and our new laws and put them side by side, you would be hard pressed to find much resemblance.

The ACLU hates Christians and God. By our new laws and standards they should be charged with a hate crime. One day you will stand before a real Judge, and your arguments won't hold water. May God have mercy.

Beverly Sarra,
How many non sequiturs can one imbecile make in one LTE? By Beverly's reasoning, if you can't use the government as a tool to advance your cause, then you aren't under that government in any way. By Beverly's reasoning, people's "wishes" matter more than inalienable rights granted by the Constitution. By Beverly's reasoning, the original laws which followed Bible teachings about slavery and burning witches and stoning homosexuals should be reinstituted. Wake up, Beverly, but it's the 21st century, and people have progressed beyond the barbaric and savage ways of your beloved Old Testament laws.

I have no problem with taking "separation all the way" -- but Beverly would, because it wouldn't equate to her getting what she wants. No, instead, churches would be treated like every other business, and they are, indeed, businesses -- they generate profits from sales and marketing and advertisements. See, tax-exemption is part of the problem, Beverly -- your churches already don't pay taxes, you numbnuts.

This sort of ignorant drivel showcases exactly the form of freedom that theocratic fascists like Beverly want -- they think that because we all pay taxes, that one sect out of us can use those taxes to promote their religious causes. Even though the entire purpose of a courthouse, or a road, is to serve the public and common good, Beverly think she has the right to use it to proselytize.

It's exactly the same "logic" (sneer quotes) as was displayed on CNN (YouTube link) when Karen Harris said,
HUNTER: Eight to 12 percent. (INAUDIBLE) They're not hurting anyone. I personally don't have a problem with an atheist. Believe or don't believe what you want. Don't impose upon my right to want to have prayer in schools, to want to say the pledge of allegiance, to want to honor my God. Don't infringe upon that right.
Whoa! You have a right to have prayer in schools? No. You have a right to pray yourself. You have a right to believe whatever you want. You don't have a right to use any government entity to push your version of your beliefs on anyone. These people are mind-numbingly stupid. And dangerous.

Beverly, you can put the 10 Commandments in your own yard. That is your right. You can hang them in every room of your house. You can walk into any public building and pray all day long, including your kids praying in their own school. How many times do you dense fucktards need it explained that your freedom to do those things voluntarily is Constitutionally guaranteed, and that the ACLU fights for Christians and their rights to those civil liberties?

And how many times must the truth be drilled into your thick skull that just as you have the right to do those things as an individual, no one has the right to use the government, or government authority, to promote their own religion? You retrograde theocrats are going through your death throes, screaming and wailing as you realize the utter failing of your own religion, manifested in empty pew syndrome and the general cultural turning away from your ancient beliefs and superstitions. Your only hope is to seize the government and use its power and money to revive and reform society to conform, forcibly, to your religious views. But we won't stand for it, and the Constitution is on our side. You lose. Thanks gods for that.
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