Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just Another Liberal Venting...Right?

Guess who said the following:
"Who is losing Afghanistan?

"George W. Bush, that's who. His watch. His administration. His incompetence. His arrogance. His failure to learn from failure.

"I wish I could say that I was surprised by this latest report from Aghanistan, but I'm not ... As I've said time and time before, the decision by the Bush administration to prioritize the drug war ahead of the war against the Taliban is, of course, madness. It's time for the Brits to take a stand, and announce that either Bush's drug warriors leave Afghanistan or Britain's troops do. Ninety days would seem to be adequate warning."
Who is it just ranting again about how the GOP really isn't strong on national security, on how they're losing the real war to the real enemy responsible for 9/11 and global terrorism? Some damn liberal, right?

Was it Hillary? Obama? Al Franken? Some generic Hollywood liberal?

Wrong -- Andrew Stuttaford, on the blog of conservative National Review. How many people will have to turn against their own party before someone impeaches the lunatic naked emperor?
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