Wednesday, September 20, 2006

25 Most Corrupt Politicians

The non-profit, non-partisan Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has released its assessment of the 20 most corrupt Congresspersons and 5 "Dishonorable Mentions". You can read the PDF "Beyond Delay Report" for yourself. Also see this Netscape version. Some of the names on there might surprise you. They did me. (HT: DftCW)

The "20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress" :
The "5 Dishonorable Mentions":
Spread this around. Please.

Notice there are 3:17 Dems to GOP in the first category, and 1:4 in the second. So Dems are 20% as corrupt (roughly) in the House and 25% as corrupt in the Senate as Lincoln's party...

A well-established trend has been observed historically that the majority party always grows more corrupt over time, until a reversal of fortuntes occurs (as will this November), and then the fraudulence cycle perpetuates in the other direction. Hooray for change, the only constant known to man ;)
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