Saturday, May 5, 2007

Where is Pat Robertson Now? Where is Falwell? Wasn't this God's Wrath?

Whenever something terrible happens that can, in any conceivable way, be blamed upon liberals or non-Christians, people like Pat "Midas Touch" Robertson and Jerry "Fat F@$#er w/ Foot-in-mouth" Falwell are ready to deliver their prophecies of hate -- explaining how it was God's wrath.

But when tornadoes hit KS or AL, they remain silent. When they destroy churches, not a peep from our master prophets. Why?

When it happens in the Bible belt, and to churches, and to children, these purveyors of doom are less ready to give God the glory, aren't they?

I'm not one to like using tragedy to preach my message, ie I am not going to claim that these terrible stories disprove God's existence:
  1. the 27 killed in a church collapse during services in Uganda last March (link)
  2. a baby abducted, raped and killed in the baptismal pool during a service while everyone went on praying and worshipping completely unaware (link)
  3. four teens killed on church bus on the way to youth camp (link)
  4. 23-month old dies in van, forgotten after church by parents, found as they prepared to return to church (link)
  5. Waco, TX pastor killed by electrocution during baptism service in front of 800 people (link)
  6. and more (ffrf)
If I'm not using these things to "disprove" a good or loving God, why do you use 9/11 and the tsunami to "prove" God is mad as hell?

Some sick bastards, like this one, will assign credit to God for these acts -- mostly Calvinists. I don't think particulars like these need to be used to try to bolster your case one way or another -- use general examples (25,000 people starve to death a day).

What I'm asking for here is fairness. Jerry and Pat: next time you want to blame liberals or infidels for tragedy, don't forget to give credit where credit is due, and give God the glory for all the natural disasters and tragic accidents. Hell, why stop there? Give the Lawd the credit for anencephaly and leukemia while you're at it (survival rate of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML): 20.4 percent overall; 53.1 percent for children under 15), you sick bastards. Don't just use the VT tragedy to your advantage to preach anti-evolution, then ignore spina bifida. Take all of God's handiwork as evidence of his love and goodness and power...

If you're going to use demagoguery, at least be logically consistent with it.
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