I continue to think this is a mistaken approach to the ideological landscape. It plays into the conventional wisdom -- "both sides" have their share of nutjobs -- but it doesn't account for the qualitative differences or the reach/influence of both contingents.Indeed. Cindy Sheehan never had a major media program. Or a minor one. I guess Olbermann is about as liberal as it gets on MSNBC, but compare him side-by-side with Bill "fuckin' thing sucks" Orally, who is considered a "moderate" on Faux News. On the right, the most popular figures are the ones who are ball-slapping, foamy-mouthed wingnuts. Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh. It's time for all the GOP reps to learn to speak teabag.
It's easy, I suppose, to just assume that the left has some nutjobs, and the right has some nutjobs, but that all of this is unrelated to political mainstream of both major political parties. Wacky liberals said ridiculous things under Bush; wacky conservatives are saying ridiculous things now. Move along; nothing to see here.
But this surface-level look is, at best, incomplete. Code Pink and Truthers don't have, and never have had, any meaningful role in progressive politics or the Democratic Party. Love these groups or hate them, we're talking about a fairly small group, with limited-to-non-existent influence. Indeed, Democratic Party leaders and officials take pains to keep the groups at arm's length. It's not as if leading Dem candidates, seeking high-profile offices, go out of their way to seek Cindy Sheehan's endorsement.
On the other hand, leading Republicans at every level can't do enough to express their support for the Tea Party crowd, and love nothing more than talking to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. We have GOP members of Congress, even some of the party's leadership, endorsing all manner of unhinged nonsense, ranging from Birther questions to state nullification.
The point is, there's a clear and impermeable line between the progressive mainstream and the left fringe. The line between the Republican Party/conservative movement and the far-right fringe barely exists.
Whereas Dems kept the fringe at arm's length, Republicans embrace the fringe with both arms. Both sides have nutjobs; only one side thinks their nutjobs are sane.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
False comparison
I've said before that I think the mainstream conservative movement is a little nuts. And in that sense, it doesn't comport to say, "both sides have fringes," since on the right these people make up a giant chunk of the electorate/base: