Saturday, September 29, 2007

On promiscuous Facebook "friending"

After my own great Facebook purge on July 16, in which I cut my list into ~1/4 its original size, I found this article in Slate to elicit a smile.

I know it may be judgmental and shallow of me, but I can't help but agree with the author's analysis that the most promiscuous "frienders" are overcompensating for insecurity, much like the most sexually promiscuous men usually are:
...if we're dealing with a promiscuous friender. (You know, the kind of person who thinks, "I need to break 700 friends so I can rid myself of my crippling sense of shame." Trust me, it won't work.)
I almost feel embarrassed that I felt the need to allow 345 people into my list at one time, 95% of whom I hadn't had a meaningful conversation with in years, if ever. I guess it goes to show that even the cockiest and most self-assured of us are vulnerable to social pressures, despite how we perceive ourselves as perched loftily above such inanities.

Just say no, people.