Monday, July 24, 2006

Cretinist Extraordinaire

Favorite Dr. Dino quote:
Democracy is evil and contrary to God's law.
**UPDATE** Dr. Dino, world-famous liar and fraud, speaks out! (HT: ooblick)**

Apparently, his method of avoiding taxes by refusing to register his church, not recognizing his employees, and claiming to be above the law is not a solo act, but a growing trend of lawlessness. Most ironic to me is that Hovind claims not to be a citizen (he's done this before with his bankruptcy case back in the 80's), but he sure doesn't mind using the attorney that the state is providing for him (as a citizen).
Hovind also sells anti-Semitic books like Fourth Reich of the Rich and has recommended The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a book blaming the world's problems on a Jewish conspiracy. Environmentalism and income taxes, Hovind says, are designed to destroy the United States and "bring it under Communism."
(From the same article.)

Hovind is now running a blog as well, CSEBlogs, to document some of his personal issues. Interestingly, nothing has appeared there since the arrest. Probably a little too busy with court appearances, and pleading to be given special treatment to go to Africa during his legal troubles.

I also found it very interesting to read about "Richard", who runs a support website for Hovind's legal issues. It appears that "Richard" may either be Hovind or one of his employees, using Hovind's computer. Hilarious.

You couldn't invent a character so colorful if you tried. See here and here for more on his credentials. Below is a picture of his "university":

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