Sunday, January 15, 2006

Flock of Dodos

Dr. Randy Olson, evolutionary ecologist (from Haaaavaad), has put together a documentary of sorts, covering the "Intelligent Design vs. Evolution Circus". From the documentary site's synopsis,
Dodos, rabbit poop, Mt. Rushmore and poker, what more could you ask for to make sense of the controversy of teaching intelligent design versus evolution. In the words of one Kansas School Board member, "It's really quite boring, isn't it?" Filmmaker and evolutionary ecologist Dr. Randy Olson tries to figure out exactly who is the flock of dodos.
Advanced screenings start Feb. 2nd in Kansas. God, I hope I can get a copy of this.

Also, go see DailyKO's installment of "Know Your Creationists"--this week, Dr. J Wells.
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